1. The Energetics of the Pitch – This is where you’ll learn to have FUN tapping into who YOU are & not just what, but WHO you’re bringing to the table. AKA we’re going to get you crystal clear about why you’re pumped AF about the brilliance you’re about to pitch because you might be surprised just how far your own JOY will take you in turning people’s heads & getting them on sales calls!
2. The Vision of the Pitch – This is where we get clear on exactly what you WANT & WHY you want it – both for yourself AND your pitchee. AKA what will your pitches landing with clients you’ve hand-selected mean for you & your business? What will it mean for the businesses of the folks you’re pitching? When wants, whys, & win-wins are obvious to you, they’re obvious to them too. This alone can dramatically increases your cold pitch to warm call conversion rates!
3. The Targeting of the Pitch – This is where we’ll hone in on who (or the multiple types of who) you’re aiming to get in front of in the first place + make sure they have the funds to pay you because hello, you have a business to run! AKA we’re gonna make sure you know how to find the most RELEVANT information about your pitchees (to help move that relational needle!) + exactly how to find their best contact info. Here you’re going to learn the exact (free!) websites to visit to find out more about them, their revenue, their correct email address, & more – everything you need to make sure the relational aspect of your pitch is ON POINT.
4. The Mechanics of the Pitch – This is where you’ll learn how to write the pitch itself + get to see actual examples from an 18+ year professional copywriter. AKA you’re in REALLY good hands! We’ll break down the art & heart of how to write a head-turning pitch from subject line to sign off + how to choose & get a RESPONSE from a decisive call to action based on your desired next step. Expect to be lead through the pitch structuring & writing process step-by-step, learn to create a pitch template for yourself, & learn how to intentionally make your pitches relational. People want to do business with people they know, like, & trust. This is where you’ll learn how to infuse all of the above into your pitch straight out the gate.
5. The Follow Ups of the Pitch – This is where we discuss how to bring continual value & JOY in all your follow up communication + intentionally build relational capital until you get a response to your pitch. AKA the fortune is in the follow up! You’ll learn how to write follow ups with CTAs that are just as head-turning as your original pitch & once again, see actual examples of just how creative & fun your follow ups can be!
- Take notes! This class has information that can completely next level your business – it has mine & many others!
- All sales are final & you own access to the masterclass from now until forever!
- Have FUN!
- Go through the entire masterclass first. If you decide you’d like additional personal support to streamline & speed up your results, please reach out to me. I’m here to help & am happy to share various options for what 1:1 pitch support can look like or co-create one that works best for you!